Jun 29, 2006

the commission of a servant

Unpacking these verses during Fusion last night, I was consumed by thoughts of God's sovereignty--His power, wisdom, and great plan for my life. Alongside these feelings was just a peace sweeping over me, and an eagerness to dive into life in the now. I realized how I'm not now, nor have I ever been alone in my struggles- and that there is hope for the unseen in my future and beyond.

Verse 1: God called me by name before I was born already in full knowledge of my life purpose.
--This in itself blows me away. That He would care for and love me enough to already pursue me in the womb just helps fabricate this image of what an intimate God He is.

Verses 2-3: God sharpens me, He helps me in my judgement, He holds me in His hand-- I am like an arrow in His quiver. The whole thought of just being an arrow and God being the archer is huge to me. Personally, I see this picture of God as a powerful and refined archer; He can, and is perfectly capable of launching me wherever He chooses, and His aim is perfect. He won't miss. That is such an encouragement to me.

Verse 4: The beginning of this verse is the part that I feel like is coming out of my own mouth at times. Especially when I get caught up in the future and what I can do after high school, etc. The latter part is what I find myself learning and growing toward. It's the releasing of my grip on life into the One who truly has all control. It's the trust factor that I repeatedly struggle with.

Verses 5-6: In these, I just see God ordering off a willing servant with the most visionary task possible- bringing His salvation to the ends of the earth. This isn't any small, American-dreamish, boring commission. It's revolutionary, and most of all, it's completely possible.

Verse 7: Here is yet again encouragement. Sure, there will be times of doubt and put down from others, but to the servant kings will bow down because the Lord has chosen him. And there's that same thing in the beginning. The idea of the Creator of the universe hand picking an individual and molding him into a servant, ready to take on the world. --and that is exactly what I believe God has for all who chase after Him, and what I daily strive to work toward.

Let me tell ya, life's an adventure.

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