Apr 12, 2009

Stepping In.

A day earlier than originally thought, but all the same - I'm stepping back into this little blog once again.

Lent was truly wonderful. This is the first year I've really observed the Lenten season, and I have learned much more about myself than I could ever have imagined.

That said, I have not even begun to process everything that's happened since the last post. And knowing myself, it will likely be weeks or months until I have the opportunity to do so.

Fortunately, that is what this dear blog will be for: Processing. Reflecting. Sharing.

As for the other aspects of my fast, I've yet to decide what life from here on out will look like for me in the Twitter and Facebook worlds. I've come to love the quiet, the in-person conversations and my significantly improved attention span. Even after glancing around the web for a while today, I found myself overwhelmed and overstimulated. And honestly, I'm just not a fan of feeling that way...so, it's just going to take some time before I decide whether or not to jump back in those area.

And now, to wrap up the post with a few random things from the past 40-or-so days:
- I have re-discovered a love for performance. But I think I love the process and practice leading up to the shows even more.
- Tales of a Female Nomad, by Rita Golden Gelman brought my appetite for travel, adventure and people to an entirely new, and different, level. And supplied me with my new favorite word: wanderlust.
- Painting with a mixed group of friends, at the park, on a sunny afternoon=bliss. Just, bliss.
- I was gifted a new zoom lens for my Rebel. Out of the blue. By someone I've never met, but who knows my brother. Love, love, love!
- Countdown to graduation: 41 days. Ridiculous.


Sara said...

Welcome back! I loved "Tales of a Female Nomad." Have you read "Eat, Pray, Love"? If not, I think you would enjoy it as it is similar in vein. Also, if I have not suggested Shane Claiborne's "The Irresistible Revolution" to you already, then I apologize! You will really dig it :)

nina.coyle said...

Thanks, lady! I did read (and absolutely adore) Eat, Pray, Love and I've had The Irresistible Revolution on my list for a while -- I think I may pick it up next, though :)